Luis Guerra Miranda is a visual artist and philosopher.
He is a Ramón y Cajal Senior Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy - CSIC Spanish Council of Scientific Research.
Former Senior Researcher at MIAS Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, Casa de Velázquez and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2024). Former Senior Researcher at the Research Institute at The University of the Arts in Helsinki, Finland (2022-2024). He co-organized the GOAP (Open Group of Political Art) at the Arts Santa Mónica Center in Barcelona (Feb - Dec 2024). Former Fellow Artist-Researcher at the Art & Theory program, Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen, Innsbruck, Austria 2022-2023, and former fellow researcher at the Postfoundational Thinking Research Group, University of Barcelona (2022-2023).
He has been a Kone Foundation Grantee 2020 and Resident Fellow 2021 at the Saastamoinen Foundation.
From 2019 to 2020, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Artistic Research (CfAR) at the University of the Arts Helsinki. He also worked as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Barcelona. In 2017, he was a resident artist at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona, and he did a research residency at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía de Madrid from 2015 to 2016.
Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck, Austria; Fabra i Coats Centre d'Art Contemporani, Barcelona; Museo de Reus, Reus, Spain; Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany; Fundació Antoni Tapies, Barcelona, Spain; Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Santiago de Chile; Goethe-Institut de Barcelona, Spain; Centro de Arte Lo Pati, Amposta, Spain; La Capella, Barcelona, Spain; Kunsthall 3,14, Bergen, Norway; Aratoi Museum of Art and History, Masterton, New Zealand; Fonderie Darling, Montréal, Canada; Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark; Alice Day gallery, Brussels, Belgic; Galería Casa Sin Fin, Madrid, Spain; Root Division, San Francisco, USA; Litteraturhuset (VOLT), Bergen, Norway; Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Santiago de Chile; Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, among others.
Also, as an artist, I participated at the LISTE Art Fair, Basel; ARTEBA, Buenos Aires; CIGE, Beijing; Chaco, Santiago de Chile; Brussels Art Fair, Brussels; ARTBO, Bogotá.
"Como artista visual y filósofo, mi trabajo gira constantemente en torno a la línea imaginaria que la cultura occidental ha creado entre arte y filosofía.
Mi praxis habita una zona de encuentros visuales entre dibujos, actos, escritos, pinturas, objetos y pensamiento que me ha llevado a trabajar con y a través de lo invisible, lo menor, lo desaparecido, cartografiando sus formas mediante gestos fuera de una cuadrícula fija. Entre los conceptos que enmarcan mi investigación artística, es posible determinar tres nociones: lo indomiciliado, la ecoicidad y lo inexistente".
"En tant qu'artiste visuel et philosophe, mon travail tourne constamment autour de la ligne imaginaire que la culture occidentale a créée entre l'art et la philosophie.
Ma praxis s'inscrit dans une zone de rencontres visuelles entre dessins, actes, écrits, peintures, objets et pensées. Parmi les concepts qui encadrent ma recherche artistique, il est possible de déterminer trois notions : le undomicilié, l'écho et l'inexistant."
"As a visual artist and philosopher, my work constantly revolves around the imaginary line that Western culture has created between art and philosophy.
My praxis inhabits a zone of visual encounters between drawings, acts, writings, paintings, objects, and thinking. Among the concepts framing my artistic research, it is possible to determine three notions: the un-domiciled, the echoicity, and the inexistent."